1 2 3 T
(2)PAIN IN THE GREER 2 0 0 2
(9)PADDY'S PUB 3 3 1 7



Shots on Goal

Team 1 2 3 Total
(2)PAIN IN THE GREER 12 9 5 26
(9)PADDY'S PUB 8 12 11 31

Power Plays

(9)PADDY'S PUB 3-3 10

1st Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
3:09 (9)PADDY'S PUB Aidan Shields Goal (even strength)
Assists: Ned Turner
PITG 0 - pp 1
7:00 (2)PAIN IN THE GREER Goal (power play)
PITG 1 - pp 1
7:55 (2)PAIN IN THE GREER Goal (power play)
PITG 2 - pp 1
9:39 (9)PADDY'S PUB Blake Dempsey Goal (even strength)
PITG 2 - pp 2
11:08 (9)PADDY'S PUB Joshua Kolans Goal (even strength)
Assists: Coleby Moellman
PITG 2 - pp 3
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
5:12 (9)PADDY'S PUB Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Minor (2:00)
5:49 (9)PADDY'S PUB Aidan Shields: Tripping - Minor (2:00)

2nd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
0:21 (9)PADDY'S PUB Thomas Fraser Goal (even strength)
Assists: Blake Dempsey , Daniel Abbo
PITG 2 - pp 4
5:56 (9)PADDY'S PUB Derek Dempsey Goal (power play)
Assists: Sean Conlon
PITG 2 - pp 5
9:25 (9)PADDY'S PUB Derek Dempsey Goal (power play)
Assists: Richard Robillard
PITG 2 - pp 6
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
1:57 (2)PAIN IN THE GREER Wayne Feasby: Hooking - Minor (2:00)
6:30 (9)PADDY'S PUB Coleby Moellman: Roughing - Minor (2:00)
6:30 (2)PAIN IN THE GREER Anthony Pomranky: Roughing - Minor (2:00)
8:25 (2)PAIN IN THE GREER Jacob Haberman: Minor (2:00)
11:01 (9)PADDY'S PUB Coleby Moellman: Interference - Minor (2:00)

3rd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
9:47 (9)PADDY'S PUB Brianna Duba Goal (power play)
PITG 2 - pp 7
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
7:50 (2)PAIN IN THE GREER Wayne Feasby: High-Sticking - Minor (2:00)
7:50 (9)PADDY'S PUB Bre Padgett: High-Sticking - Minor (2:00)
8:40 (2)PAIN IN THE GREER Joshua Allan: Body Checking - Minor (2:00)



# Name G A +/- PIM GWG
Jonathan Souders 0 0 0 0 0
Keigan Mennetti 0 0 0 0 0
Bach Wilson 0 0 0 0 0
Andrew Honohan 0 0 0 0 0
Jim Westerburg 0 0 0 0 0
Jonathan Foust 0 0 0 0 0
Matt Pepple 0 0 0 0 0
Vincent Moore 0 0 0 0 0
7 Chris St.Clair 0 0 0 0 0
13 Harvey Denison 0 0 0 0 0
25 Joshua Allan 0 0 0 2 0
27 David Wilson 0 0 0 0 0
31 Mark Wilson 0 0 0 0 0
60 Anthony Pomranky 0 0 0 2 0
69 Wayne Feasby 0 0 0 4 0
74 Jacob Haberman 0 0 0 2 0
Totals: 2 0 - 10 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
Sean Williams 36:00 31 24 LOSS
Totals: 36:00 31 24 0


# Name Signature
Harvey Denison  



# Name G A +/- PIM GWG
2 Richard Robillard 0 1 0 0 0
8 Jacob Mulderig 0 0 0 0 0
11 Daniel Abbo 0 1 0 0 0
14 Blake Dempsey 1 1 0 0 0
17 Thomas Fraser 1 0 0 0 0
19 Aidan Shields 1 0 0 2 0
21 Sean Conlon 0 1 0 0 0
22 Brianna Duba 1 0 0 0 0
33 Joshua Kolans 1 0 0 0 1
47 Sean Kirk 0 0 0 0 0
61 Bre Padgett 0 0 0 2 0
68 Coleby Moellman 0 1 0 4 0
87 Derek Dempsey 2 0 0 0 0
94 Ned Turner 0 1 0 0 0
Totals: 7 6 - 10 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
29 Jeremy Arnold 36:00 26 24 WIN
Totals: 36:00 26 24 0


# Name Signature
Blake Dempsey  

1st Period -- Scoring: pp - Shields Goal (even strength) (Turner) 3:09; PITG - Goal (power play) 7:00; PITG - Goal (power play) 7:55; pp - Dempsey Goal (even strength) 9:39; pp - Kolans Goal (even strength) (Moellman) 11:08. Penalties: , pp (Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Minor, 2.0 min) 5:12; Shields, pp (Tripping, Minor, 2.0 min) 5:49. Goalie Changes: None.

2nd Period -- Scoring: pp - Fraser Goal (even strength) (Dempsey, Abbo) 0:21; pp - Dempsey Goal (power play) (Conlon) 5:56; pp - Dempsey Goal (power play) (Robillard) 9:25. Penalties: Feasby, PITG (Hooking, Minor, 2.0 min) 1:57; Moellman, pp (Roughing, Minor, 2.0 min) 6:30; Pomranky, PITG (Roughing, Minor, 2.0 min) 6:30; Haberman, PITG (Minor, 2.0 min) 8:25; Moellman, pp (Interference, Minor, 2.0 min) 11:01. Goalie Changes: None.

3rd Period -- Scoring: pp - Duba Goal (power play) 9:47. Penalties: Feasby, PITG (High-Sticking, Minor, 2.0 min) 7:50; Padgett, pp (High-Sticking, Minor, 2.0 min) 7:50; Allan, PITG (Body Checking, Minor, 2.0 min) 8:40. Goalie Changes: None.

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